Saturday, March 18, 2017

treatment for Sinus.

sinus is one of the dangerous disease if you didn't treat in time. so here is the some best tips for you . If you didn't care in time it can be nose cancer also . So check these tips and if you didn't get improve by using these tips , immediately go to the doctor for further treatment. 

1. Take the steam of hot water
2. you can try yoga also anulom-bilom , kapalbhati etc
3. you can take sline also , it can clear your nascal. 
4. don't take bath with cold water. 5. you can take blackpaper powder and hot milk before sleep. 

These fruit is best for sinus. 

1. mangoe
2. grape
3. waterlemon
4. lemon
5. grapfruits. 
6. papayas
7. oranges

This Foods avoid for sinus

1. egg
2. alchohal
3. banana
4. refined flower (gahuko pitho) 
5. starch rich foods
6. refined sugar

Thank you !! Best of luck for your health . 

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